New England
I finally have internet access. This has been a big thing for every one with tons of problems along the way. But thankfully some fortunate soul was able to figure it out and passed the word along to everyone else. Four days without getting to email and news has been killer.
Worst yet is that I have absolutely no idea what is going on in the World Cup. Last game I saw was Ukraine vs. Switzerland, and even then it was in a New York pub with crazed fans surrounding me and pulling their hair out. But what a great game that was. Wow.
Anyway, New Englandis absolutely fantastic. I'm day three into orientation and it feels like I've been here for weeks. I have no complaints about any of the other staff (100+ in all)--- every one is new and different and exciting and just happy to be here. The energy and level of intellect I've encountered in the past four days is really a sight to behold. I can't wait for the students to get here because I feel everything really is coming together and we're really starting to get on top of things.
Honestly, the resources and support staff the camp is giving all of us (instructors, RAs, etc) is above and beyond the call of duty. Safety is the number one issue for students and we've been going over anything and everything that could possibly cover that. I can't even begin to talk about what we've gone over since Tuesday because it's just too much. Saftey training, Diversity training, RA training, more Safety, more issues, Law procedures, so many scenarios that have actually (and can and most likely will) happen....
The list goes on and on and on and on. I love it. I can see how it could get tedious for returning RAs and such, but even they like going through everything again. Some procedures have changed and so many of us are bouncing ideas and thoughts off one another that have 100 other perspectives on an issue can give that one person so much insight it's crazy. Like I said, the level of intellect and understanding...
I love the people here (an understatement).
I love the campus (it's beautiful).
I love what I'm going to be doing (a dream come true).
I'm worried about some things and I'm trying to deal with them (with the help of my Curriculum Advisor and my friends),
but I know I'm ready (I know I was meant to do this).
This summer will be amazing.