New Blog and Story Time
I've started a blog specifically for Connecticut Camp, though I will continue to write on this one the most. The other blog is mainly for my family which I (for obvious reasons) do not want reading this one. It's exactly the same structure and look, so try not to get too confused.
I think it's about time I cleaned my room. That sounds very...twelve year old to say, but I really need to. Every time I get swamped with school I pay no attention to my room and throw anything everywhere.
To give you an idea: I've made paths in my room that lead from my door to my desk, my door to my bed, and my desk to my bed. Everything else at the moment in covered in books, paper, discarded clothes, bowls, and mugs (the latter two being my eating dishes of choice).
It's not as bad as this one time though. My room (I was about 10? Maybe older?) was a disaster and my parents were constantly harping on me about it. My mom was one of those people that refused to clean her kid's rooms, and rightfully so. Said I'd learn sooner or later to clean it (which I did). I was walking/stepping gracefully over the layer of shit that took place of the carpet and found myself with half of a broken pencil jutting out of my heel. The offending object was lodged into the carpet at an angel and I just stepped on it (it was probably an inch or so in). My Dad happened to be walking by at that exact moment and saw me looking at my foot with shock, blood dripping out of it onto whatever was beneathe me (I think it was a book. The carpet was saved).
Of course he freaked-- thought I had lead poisoning. Mom (who was practically born a nurse, uniform and all) just glanced at it and said "She's fine," and went back to her work.
Suffice to say that was the start of the path building scheme.
But I think it's about time to properly clean this up. Lord knows I'm the only person awake in the house right now, so I've got plenty of time before Anja and I head out and have a very exciting and productive day (we're going to Charbon's to look at backpacks. Oooh).
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