Friday, June 23, 2006

Choo Choo and Mom Fighting for the Prinicple of It

Athens Trip:
Fought with the Health Center and fought with Mom (which Amy was witness too, my apologies again). Finally did what she told me to and of course it worked. Oh, the guilt. I hate it when she's right. I can't wait until I'm a Mom and I'm right all the time.

Also went to Choo Choo for the first time. For one, I had never heard of the place before but my comrade swore it was great, so in the car we go at midnight and feast on some pretty damn good Chinese food. Regardless of how sketch the name sounds, the establishment is the completely opposite of whatever image you have in mind. Chinese food available until 4am? I'm in heaven. I love you Amy!

Today Mom verbally raped the manager at the Verizon store. We had gone in on Monday for our lovely New-For-Two phone upgrade and picked out the perfect phones (after about an hour of waiting for a sales rep and finding out Mom couldn't get the phone she wanted in the first placem, the Razr of all things). The converastion went as follows, and no names have been changed to protect the innocent because I don't give a shit about them:

Krista: "We're out of stock on those phones. Come back on Friday and we'll have them in."
Mom: "Why can't we pay for them now and then get them?"
Krista: "We can't do that because when you pay for the phones we need to have them to activate/put info in computer/something"
Mom: "And they'll be the same price on Friday?"
Kirsta: "Yes"

"She was wrong" the guy says today. "Prices have changed, you can't get those anymore."

Mom proceeds to flip her shit and accuse (rightfully, in her mind) that Verizon is just trying to rip its customers off and this is just another example of why she should switch her service, etc etc. Mom has always been completely distrustful of any phone company and always walks in the door prepared for a fight, which is why one always happens. If you go into a place expecting a fight all the time you yourself are most likely the cause of one. She's not preparing for a fight, she's looking for a fight.

Either way, she's extremely mad and of course I didn't side with her, which just made things worse. Shit happens, get over it, find a new phone and save your fight for another day. The stress isn't worth it. Honestly, it takes a lot to get me mad which is why I'm only slightly annoyed at the situation instead of "ready to spit nails." If I'm going to make a scene and rip the manager a new one the reason better be damn good.

But tomorrow the fight starts again. We're going in to talk to the Store Manager and Mom's going to ask (and not calmly) for the phones we first picked out.


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