Thursday, June 15, 2006

Birthdays and Anniversaries

So today is my Mother's birthday (never disclose the age of your mother. They will find out and come to kill you) and my parent's 32st anniversary. Huzzah for life and sticking with it! I seriously don't know how my parnets did it-- thirty two years. Wow.

A quick story about too many celebrations falling within the same weekend:

I was probably around 12 or 13 and I came up with the fantastic idea of baking a cake to celebrate 1) Mom's birthday, 2) their anniversary, and 3) father's day. All of these happened to fall within a weekend and I thought "Heck! Who doesn't love cake! I can handle this, no sweat."

Cheryl was...well, somewhere (she's couldn't boil water so I wasn't about to ask for her help) and I got to work fast because Mom and Dad were going to be home in about an hour. Everything was going according to plan and I was in the process of taking the cake out of the pan when Dad busts through the door and scares the shit out of me. So of course everything goes crashing down to the floor and the cake is ruined--along with my right arm--for I did manage to catch something: the baking dish. For the rest of the weekend I spent my time nursing a first degree burn on the underside of my forearm, much to my chagrin and my parent's amusement (after the inital parental concern wore off).

But Mom and Dad are eating out with Cheryl and Eric at the moment at Disney. I'm heading back to Macon on Sunday to celebrate Father's day with the family and staying there the rest of the week until I leave for Connecticut Camp.

God, I don't even want to think about everything I need to do before I leave Athens.


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