Hmm. Creepy.
Anyway, I have too much to say and not enough time to say it in. This next week is going to be pure and utter hell, which I expected after how little I was able to get done these past couple of days. Although I was able to read two more books for school it wasn't nearly enough to make a dent in the pile that needs to get done. Papers, papers, and more papers.
On top of that I have stuff for Connecticut Camp, and then the COST application. I'm nearly 90% sure I'm going to try for the spot in Cologne, Germany and then I'll list Manchester, England as my second. West Sussex is third, and Port Elizabeth, South Africa, is last.
Now lets pray to God I get accepted. I want this so bad I can taste it.
The trip to D.C. is this Thursday and before I go on that whirlwind adventure I need to have all my daily lesson plans done for Connecticut Camp (including course materials, which is what I'm getting tied up over). I want to make a course reader (a packet of chapters/articles/testimonies/pictures/whatever) for the students, but I need to work out the copyright processing on all the stuff I want to use. It's a lot, let me tell you. There's so much on genocide and human rights that I could use, and at the same time I feel like it won't be enough. 3 weeks to teach this course. Just thinking about it makes my skin tingle.
The party last night was very good. Sara and Stephanie were right, not many people showed, but those that did were the ones that counted the most. "Quality, not quantity," someone said. I can't help but agree. None of our parties will reach the same level as the Trailer Trash one, but I don't think I would ever want it to. That was truely a night of mayhem.
Anyway, the party was great and the company was choice. The outfits were hysterical (cody's smokey bear, tarik's nurse, eldin's horny chemist) and all-in-all I hope people had a good time.
No more play time for me, it's back to throwing myself into my work, body and soul.
Wise Words, with Paul McCartney:
This is your timeThis is your dayYou've got it allDon't blow it awayI'll try.
ps. yes, I decided to use capital letters. I figured it would do wonders for everyone's eyesight.