Sunday, April 16, 2006


i don't like to wear sunglasses.

i discovered this hidden fact as i was driving home on saturday. i had a pair on for most of my journey, but as the sun began to lessen in its intensity i took them off--- and was blown away by the difference it made.

seriously, i could not believe how much i was missing out on. everything was (understandably) brighter, but happier. is that even possible? with sunglasses you're looking at the world through a mud-colored lens and it takes away from everything that you could be enjoying. driving down 129 back to macon is green and blue for miles and miles. walls of trees and then huge expanses of rolling hills and then more trees. i've come to appreciate it as one of the most calming drives and this weekend the weather was perfect. with my windows down i took off my sunglasses and enjoyed my surroundings in the way i was meant to-- open and exposed to the elements. the heat, the wind, the too-bright sun. the colors.

there's so many colors you're missing out on by wearing sunglasses. take a drive without them and relish in the fact that there are things that aren't supposed to be seen through a colored lens, but with your eyes only.

others news:
mom, dad, and i are taking an east-coast road trip up to new england before i start connecticut camp. we're stopping in a couple of states and will be staying in new haven a couple of days before i have to check in. this way they can visit with me there and i can hang out with them during the summer. as soon as the job is done i go straight back to school, so i wouldn't seen them until september.

visited with kessler this weekend and i encountered too many emotions to name. i hadn't seen her since july but it felt like we had never parted. lauren and i desperately want a reunion. it will happen-- we are that determined.

apply for student teaching overseas for spring '07. germany, or england? parents won't allow south africa (sigh).


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