I can't believe I've been here a month. There is absolutely no way it's been that long. It feels like three days, or maybe a week.
But a month?
A lot has happened in that span of time and yet nothing at all. I'm in a grove at the school now-- I'm starting to get a lot done, but then again it never seems to be good enough (at least not by my standards). I want to be better, I want to be the best. But I'm so new at this it's almost painful, the mistakes I make and the situations which occur in the classroom from time to time. It's everything I expected it to be-- the silence, the prodding, the pushing.
Anything to get these students feeling something for their studies other than resentment feels like I've won a gold medal.
Sometimes when I walk into a classroom the indifferent looks students throw at me is so strong I feel like I'm drowning. I don't know what to do half the time. I want to shock them all. I want to pump life into their minds and I want words to spill out of their mouths like oil. I want them to
care about what they are learning.
How the hell am I supposed to do that?
A month. I've been here a month and I have friends now. Karo, Judith, Marc...people I can count on and go to if I need help. But if I'm depressed or sad--- which I honestly don't have
time for-- I keep it to myself. No sense worrying people over something I know is temporary anyway. I love my new friends who are nothing like my old friends at all. Because of them I have people to talk to, cook with, shop with, drink tea with, go to the movies with.
I read a lot. I'm talking a book a week, if that. I can't stop reading and that's fine, because I'm still in my own little world when it comes to daily life. I don't understand the words around me, so I go into myself and think about things. Jobs, Virginia, apartments, home, Athens, seminar, work I should be doing but I'm not because I'm reading too damn much.
German sounds like English to me now. I will think I hear a word or a phrase in English, strain my ears so much I think they are about to fall off, and realize that no, it's still German, what did you expect?
I ran into a boy from Athens today. He graduated from Oconee County Highschool and is a first year at UGA. He's here for some scholarship program and was with a bunch of other teenagers from the states. This is the second person I've met 4,000 miles away from a place we have in common. The second person. Is the world really that small? When did the world get this small?
I miss Athens a lot, but mainly I miss the people. I hear their voices in my head, making comments about the food I know they would make, or one-liners I imagine them saying and laughing outloud at nothing. I'm not going crazy, but being on my own has put things into perspective. This isn't a study abroad. This isn't me with a group of thirty other kids from the States hanging around and going on trips together. This is me, alone, going to the grocery store, going to work. This is me taking pictures with no one in them. This is me, realizing that I don't regret coming here but wishing I had someone to share it with.
One month down, two more to go.