Monday, August 21, 2006

Football Season Is Soon Upon Us

And by football I mean American football, a sport that seems to be only popular in the United States and which the majority of the world could care less about.

But here in Athens, GA it's a religion to some people. This much was proven earlier today when far too many UGA students waited in line for hours in order to get this season's tickets. UGA is lucky enough to pay only $8 per ticket, whereas other students at schools-- Big 10 schools like OSU-- pay out the ass. Still, student prices are always cheaper and I know far too may alum that would kill to still sign up for season tickets.

But seriously, today was ridiculous. With the weather at a lovely 91 degrees today it was torture to wait outside in The Mob that is obsessive fans and people that just want to sit together (me falling into the latter category). Crowd gathered at 10ish (though a mass email to all students told us, in a very fatherly way, to "go to class" instead of waiting) and the tickets were distributed at Noon.

Oh wait, no they weren't.

I should know, because I stayed until the very last minute before I went to my 1pm class. After I got out at 4 a friend of mine called his buddies he had left and they were still in line.

Four hours later and people were still waiting? This is UGA at it's finest, I swear. I have no idea why it took so much longer this year compared to others, but there is no reason it should have been this bad. After class I went back, got in line, and read on a bench until my friends had gotten close enough. Within that time span I read 100 pages of a book.

I'm a fast reader but not that fast.

Alas. We got the tickets in a decent section (112), and I'm planning on going to more games this year than years prior.

Maybe. Or maybe I'll just scalp them for too-high a price and put the money towards the Germany Fund.


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