Where Is My "Awkward" Button?
Sometimes I think the sooner I get out of here, the better.
This is one of those moments.
Basically I need to get home and soon. By home I mean Athens and by soon I mean now. It's been months since I've been back and I miss people a lot more than I thought I would.
I miss The Grill, Big City Bread, Five Star Day, Walkers, and on and on and on. I miss my favorite places to hang out and I miss my friends most of all. People up here are fantastic and if it wasn't for them I would have given up a long time ago, but they don't get it. There's one or two people here out of 120+ that understand me, but not like the people back home.
And speaking of which, I got a call from Tarik tonight. I was so happy to see his name pop up on the screen that I ran outside and lamented with him that he wasn't back at Gerogia and how much we miss each other.
You can't fake friendship like that.
It's weird to think that my summer will be done in five days. In five days I will be on my way back to Georgia and away from these people I have come to appreciate. Weirdy enough though, a good number of them are people that I wouldn't have chosen as my friends had it not been for Connecticut Camp. The same goes with crushes and people I dislike. A possible friend here is one that I wouldn't hang out with back home and a crush on a guy is one that I wouldn't have in a million years. So why?
Honestly, I think it's something they put in the water.
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