Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Stream of Consciousness

I want to write about everything and nothing at the same time.

Life is camp and camp is life. It's hard to separate the two at the moment and I've found myself falling into routine easier than I'd like. I'm not the biggest fan of routine and if I stay this way too long then I'll get restless. Thank God for main events and hanging out with on-duty people. Especially the latter. Since I haven't been assigned to duties it's always fun to tag along and interact more with everyone instead of staying cooped up. Cabin fever will set in soon and the need to leave campus will hit soon. I'm surprised my need to go explore hasn't come out yet.

Class is going well. Hannah heard some students saying good words about it so that basically made my entire day. Some of the students I know I'm connecting really well with and I can see the ideas and questions floating around in their minds, while with others my view is a little blurry. They're interested, but they aren't talking. It's only been two days. Here's hoping that day three will be that much better than the last.

Yesterday was the 4th and I didn't do anything to celebrate, which I'm slightly sad about. The 4th is a big thing for my family, usually because I'd be in Ohio grilling out, playing cornhole, shooting off bottle rockets, and burning myself on sparklers. Alas.

Knee is starting to bother me again. It's like last summer all over again.


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