Saturday, July 01, 2006

Another Day Gone

Orientation ends tomorrow and the kids come on Sunday! Huzzah! The excitment is finally setting in and tomorrow everyone is going through a big move-in/check-in scenario.

Things still going very well. Love the people (as I will be saying continuously) and have no qualms yet. Still worried about my class, but everyone here is so encourging and resourceful that it's hard to stay terrified for long.

Finally moved into my place fully (they put a couch in here!). I'll need to take pictures and post them for everyone to see. It's all very nice and I can't get over it. I'm in New England. Who knew I'd ever be saying that?

Anyway, sleep. Tomorrow is another day and tonight was...interesting. In a good type of way though.

ps. deleted my New England blog. After talking with people about it, reading the policy about it, etc I've decided that it's for the best. I'll keep you guys updated on stuff going on and how the class is going, but don't expect much.


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