Saturday, February 25, 2006

weekend! finally.

thank god it's the weekend. seriously kids, thanks to my ever-present attitude of "i'll do it later" my legs were shaking i was so tired. as of friday night i had only had six hours of sleep over the past two days.

note to self: stop slacking off and get your work done.

i sent in my connecticut camp curriculum guide part two (essential questions and activities) to steve about five hours too late and i'm pretty sure it was shit. i'm still having trouble figuring out how i want to set the class up, but once i get that down i feel it'll all come together. do i start with a background of sociology or of human rights? which ones do i look at? should i look at just genocide or other human rights violations? the course is designed as a sociological perspective of "understanding evil" (their title, not mine), but history is going to have to come into play somewhere. i can't just throw out "the rise of nationalism in 19th century europe was one of the biggest factors in human rights violations and ethnic cleansings that are still present in society."

things like that need to be explained a little more.

but it's the weekend and i'm trying to unwind. i never noticed it until now, but my jaw gets extremely tight when i'm stressed out. granted, i have a lot coming up these next two weeks (midterms...sigh), but i'm going to give myself a lazy day sometime relatively soon.

heading back to the swim meet. i timed this morning and am doing it again all day tomorrow too. i love these things for three main reasons:
1. get to socialize/meet new people
2. get to look at cute guys in speedos
3. free food


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