Tuesday, February 21, 2006

bbc: reporting news objectively

so i'm kind of addicted to http://news.bbc.co.uk

i like to know what's going on in the world and i feel as if this site is the only place that can really give me the news i want to hear. i can't stand watching american news networks because they...

1. repeat the same stories, 24/7
2. rarely talk about the world outside of the U.S. and
3. when they do it's solely related to U.S. interests
4. report news with an american bias (that they don't even try to hide most of the time)
5. the pieces reported are overshadowed by america's "need" for celebrity gossip
6. most of the things reported are not worthwhile, and when the opposite finally occurs they are over-reported to the point where people become de-sensitized and (God forbid) bored.

that was in no particular order, but the fact that i am able to pinpoint flaws within our news saddens me to no end (though i will admit to being caught up in #5). whatever happened to brining the world to the masses? instead we are being fed the same garbage day after day. i want to know what's going on, so tell me!

but they don't, so i go elsewhere. i thank God daily for international radio and bbc. without it i would feel lost (in the most literal sense of the word).

some news that i would like to pass on:
"Liberia sets up truth commission"-- somewhat of a big deal. the commission is going to look at all the human rights violations that occured over the 24 year civil war/unrest (a long time, mind you). the newly appointed FEMALE president, mrs. ellen johnson-sirleaf, says that it will investigate "gross human rights violations and violations of international laws... including massacres, sexual violations, murders, extra-judicial killings and economic crimes".

good luck to them. i'm not sure what falls under "economic crimes" though. corruption, use of foreign aid towards military build up...? i should look it up.

"Russia abadons HIV children"-- very sad and informative article about the HIV/AIDS-phobia that is very promienent russia. about twenty babies are born every day to HIV-positive women, with two of those, on average, abandoned by their mothers. those children either end up staying in the hospitals indefinitely or go to whatever orphanages aren't scared to take them. apparently russia is also has one of the fastest growing AIDS epidemics in the world, with 100 new infections every day. definitely something i was not aware of until i read this.

"UN positive after Kosovo meeting"-- this article caught my eye immidiately. a very close friend of mine whose family lives in kosovo came over to the states during the war and NATO's campagin to stop the serbian persecution of ethnic albanians. there is a long history here that i couldn't even begin to start writing about. my human rights class is going to start talking about slobodan milosevic (a grade A bastard) pretty soon.

if i had to pinpoint what caused my interest in human rights tp start it would have to be agon. without him and his depictions of what was going on over there i would have been oblivious. thank you for making me wiser.


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