Tuesday, February 28, 2006

people are loud

i want to go to sleep right now but i can't because the neighbors are on their porch talking and catching up with each other. a porch which happens to be about ten feet away from what i consider the most comfortable spot in the world right now.

i am borderline sick, but i refuse to fall victim to the plague that has been sweeping across campus. i'm the last of the roommates to get it and it started saturday night as this feeling in the back of my throat. you know what i'm talking about-- that feeling you get. it's somewhat scratchy and you start to swallow a lot. well, i felt that and i went out and bought a ton of nyquil (a gift from God), some orange juice, and some halls cough drops. motrin too, just in case.

but aside from a slightly stuffy nose, a funny feeling in my throat, and a pretty sizable amount of pressure surrounding my head nothing has changed. we shall see how i'm doing later. i refuse to get sick though. i just don't have time for it.

in other news:
i love steve (my PCA for connecitcut camp). i was so worried about turning in my stuff semi-late and he totally didn't care, and on top of that he was able to ease some of my fears about some issues i am starting to develop about teaching. mainly, how the hell am i supposed to create engaging activities that these kids will enjoy while at the same time having them treat the subject and issues seriously?

i want the students to have fun, but i don't want them to have so much fun that they lose sight of the fact that we are talking about people's lives-- we are talking about death and extreme violations in human rights. anyway, steve is going to be a major part of my life in the next couple of months and i'm glad he's here to help me out.

also: college facebook hooking up with high school facebook? wha?? seriously, i am so glad that we didn't have this thing when i was in high school-- there would have just been too much drama. i mean, i love facebook and check it at least two times a day (read: five) and i think it's an amazing way to connect to people from other schools, but was creating a high school branch completely necessary?

i don't know...maybe i'm just mad that i can't seem to shake high school. i was invited to a birthday party for two of my high school mates that i got along well with, but looking at all the other people attending i become less and less interested in going. in fact, by the time i got to the end of the rsvp list i was determined not to set foot anywhere near that place. there are so many people going that i absolutely loathe or wouldn't be able to hold a decent conversation with that it would be like a scene from a bad movie. setting myself up for a night of "how are you? what's your major? i haven't seen you in sooo long!" is my idea of hell.

thank God i grew up and got some friends outside of the high school sphere. i know i wouldn't have grown as a person any if i hadn't branched out. i'm not saying that in order to do that you need to renounce all high school friendships, i'm just saying that you shouldn't fall back on those just because they are there. for me it would have been that way and i would never be the person i am today. i like what i have become by meeting new people and experiencing new things. if high school was still hanging around my neck that never would have happened.


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