Sunday, January 29, 2006

i'm in a funk that hit me hard

this post is angry, bitter, helpless, sad and above all, a rant.

i can't stand reading the yahoo! news discussion boards. the most ignorant, arrogant, racist shitheads fill those boards with personal opinions that are so far backward and wrong that i'm amazed these people can even tie their shoe laces, let alone turn on a computer.

it's not just with this article either, it's with all articles. no matter how big or small the issue someone will always talk about how "the black man is destroying america", how "liberals are going to hell", how "bush needs to die", or how america needs to "nuke the fuck out of africa and let all those anal loving AIDS n****** burn."

excuse me? oh hell no.

i've wasted hours upon hours over the last four years writing back to these people and trying to get my say in, but i swear it feels like i'm swimming upstream. not even swimming-- more like drowning.

i'm drowing in an ocean of ignorance and hate. my clothes are soaked with words i won't even write and i'm choking on racial slurs and anti-ANYTHING that's not "american."

so abc anchor bob woodruff was injured in a roadside bombing and rushed to germany and it makes headlines nationwide. tell me, american news media team, how many iraqi civilians were killed in the past ten days? don't know? how about within a two day span? i'll even make it recent for you: jan 20th- 22nd. still don't know? well you wouldn't, would you-- america doesn't care about things like that.

fuck that. fuck your bias and your audiance. fuck the close minded people that are plaguing this country and the world all over. i refuse to accept what you have to give me and i will never settle for less than the truth.

the count was 52, by the way. that's 52 known people who will never get to see their sons, daughters, husbands, wives, children, or best friends ever again. that's about half of my class and about six full pews at a church that i haven't gone to in God knows how long. that's 52 people killed within the span of forty-eight hours, and that wasn't even this past weekend.


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