friday fun and saturday suckiness
friday fun:
krush girls was great (as always) and all in all it was a great night. got to hang out with people i haven't seen in what feels like forever (sizzle! lauren! tarik!) and ran into a lot of people i knew and made a lot of promises to dance with them the next time kg are in town.
i'm happy to say that i found the dignity i had lost at 40 watt on new year's eve. it was on the dancefloor.
saturday suckiness:
was planning on going to the monster truck show at the georgia dome (do not ask) and was completely ripped off by scalpers. i took on the responsability of getting the tickets and failed utterly and miserably and i swear i will make it up to you guys.
after that most of my night was spent in atlanta brooding, though when we got back to athens it was only to open the door to pieces of bamboo everywhere, jello shots strewn about the living room, and a drunk sara laughing and smiling like a little kid.
if anyone ever needs to get out of a funk she's the girl to do it.
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