Friday, July 01, 2005

off to the great state of ohio!

i've been up since 7. i've gotten ready, packed, and cooked breakfast for everyone (mmm...blueberry muffins). i've been ready to leave for an hour and a half.

is anyone else ready? of course not.

and on top of that mom wants to stop at the "carpet capital of the world" aka dalton, ga.

trips to cincinnati always went like this. we would always say that we were going to get up early, but that always fell through. mom has this thing where the house has to be clean and tidy when we leave, so that if we die and people come to the house it won't look like shit. that and the idea it's nice to come home to a clean house after a vacation.

but then there's the stops. i have never made it to my cousins house before 10 at night on the day we leave because of all the freakin stops we make at historical sites and indian reservations along the way. and then we always have to stop at the smokies (solely based on fact that it's family tradition). i don't like to beg, but this morning i pleaded with my parents to make this trip a straight shot. i also asked to drive (to which my dad began to cackle like mad). i haven't seen kevin or erin in the longest time and i miss them terribly. i know i'll see them for the wedding, but the 4th with my cousins is always fun. kevin's grilling and fireworks-- what more could a girl want?


i just realized that i'm starting to write in this like an actual journal. finally.


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