stick a fork in me, i'm done!
sorry...horrible joke.
anyway, finished finals and my only reaction to them is 'eh' with a shrug of the shoulders. could have done worse, could have done better. one thing that went really well was my essay on british politics. that thing flowed. i'm very proud.
since it's been requested, i'm uploading a picture of myself. this was taken two days ago in the celler of a winery. i had a spiderweb on me.

i've taken almost 600 pictures since i've been here, but with only a handful of days left i doubt i'll take anymore. more than half of those are landscape/cathedral pictures. damn.
tomorrow our apartments are being checked while we're on our field trips--i'll be in florence doing last minute shopping for people who i haven't talked to all summer-- and then friday it's siena and then saturday it's packing. lots and lots of packing.
tonight is another open mic night and you can tell how nervous people are getting. it's not like last time with singing and 'talents.' this one is being hosted by the travel journal class and they'll be reading some of their works, etc. it may not sound like much, but some of these kids poured their hearts into these entries and the fact that they have to read them in front of everyone can be overwhelming. i'm definitely recording it.
tonight is another sangria party with the sports events. everyone is planning on doing molto drinking and i'm hoping to avoid a repeat of Monday Night. wish me luck.
Haha sounds like fun :D
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