home life
i was so scared yesterday. i honestly thought that everyone would have left before i could get to say goodbye to them. i wouldn't get to hug my friends and assure them that we would keep in touch. i would arrive at baggage claim and no one would be there save my parents.
i got stopped at hartsfield for two reasons. the first was a freakin' apple that i should have known better to bring back. damn that adorable sniffing dog and surly inspector. the second was the swiss army card that i got for eric. it had a pocket knife in it that they made a big deal about it, but the more i thought about it the more useless the whole thing was. i'm coming back into the states-- you would think they would have caught it before i got on the plane over not after the fact. anyway, that took about 30 min and by then i wanted to start crying. everyone was at baggage claim and i was sure that they had left.
but they hadn't. people were still waiting for their things and i was able to say goodbye to the ones that counted. the only one i didn't get to see was stephanie (and her ma and pa). i'll see her again, but it would have been nice to meet them.
lauren hugged my parents. hell fucking yea. she's definitely part of the family now. ha! i'm so happy she did that.
i miss everyone terribly. it reminds me of leaving school actually. erin, kirsten, anja, david, amy. people i would see everyday were suddenly gone. it's happening all over again and i hate it. it's now lauren, stephanie, kessler, jenny, kenny, josh. i know i'll see the aforementioned again in a month or so. yet some of the people i've spent the last five weeks with i may never see again and if i do it won't be at school. i'll make trips and so will they, but it will never be the same again and for that i am sad.
home is interesting. mom and dad have finally decided to renovate the house. who knew the wedding would push them to make such changes? i would have gotten married at age 15 if i knew it would make them do this. before school starts we're getting new floors in the bathroom and kitchen, new carpeting throughout the house, and we're painting the whole inside. mom's decided she wants the stove moved to the other counter, which will be extended a foot. oh! this means a new counter top and possibly new cabinets. we've decided to make the house very earthy, since there's wood all over the place. this means lots of greens and browns, which is nice.
in short, a lot is getting done and i'm beyond excited. it's going to be very very busy here during the next month. my maid of honor duties officially start tonight (i'm calling catherine about the bridal shower here) and tomorrow i need to run a multitude of errands.
i've talked to nneka, amy, and tom since i've been back. tom wins the award since he called at midnight last night, though i was in a deep coma and didn't answer. i can't wait to start visiting people.
and here i thought i would have nothing to do when i got back.
ps. 2 minutes and 25 seconds into "the naming of things" by andrew bird. close your eyes and listen.
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