Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Welcome to the 61st UN General Assembly! Come On Down!

Skipped my student observation yesterday to watch the UN General Assembly on CSPAN.

I'm still deciding on whether that makes me a bad person or not, but I honestly didn't want to watch clips on The Daily Show or Colbert Report. For once I wanted to watch it myself, and it was great. Hell, I even took notes.

The first and foremost that President Bush got up there and talked like he owned the place. Seriously, it may have been the placement of the podium, but I got the distinct impression that he was looking down on everyone in the room. I'm still trying to figure out what country he kept smiling and waving to.

I also enjoy the circus spectacle that's going on with our current government. President Bush's speech was very well written, no doubt about that, but it was all about the War on Terror. In fact, one may be pressed to find Iraq in that speech at all. Just goes to show how much the White House is trying to redirect the public's attention to the War on Terror and not the current War in Iraq.

In other News:
Hugo Chavez, leader of Venezuela, told the entire delegation that President Bush is the devil.

Finally, someone else gets it.

Darfur is still in deep shit, but hopefully with so many world leaders calling on action something concrete can be done. Oh wait, the decision to let the AU troops stay in Darfur past September was agreed upon. Still doesn't change the fact that they have no more money left and it's an inadequate amount of troops (7000 compared to the 22,500 the UN wants to send).

Going to see Sufjan Stevens tonight at The Fox with Erin. I feel almost hypocritical paying money to see someone sing when I rant and complain about the world slowly falling to pieces, but then I keep reminding myself that I can't shut down everything. I need to do what I can and fight the good fight while still living my life.

Eh...still makes me feel guilty.


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