Parties, Football, and Fox's New Addition
Lauren's housewarming party was a great success. If her complex ever needs to make a brochure they are coming to her place to take pictures. Huzzah for tapas and delicious drinks and great friends.
On a sadder note, did not attend the first official Krush Girls of the semester. Got there too late, waited in line an hour, and sighed with extreme disappointment with the other 100-200 other people outside when word spread that the show was sold out. At least I got my KG fix as soon as I got back to Athens. But still...damn the man. Years of devotion and this is what happens.
Football season has started for me as I attended my first game today. I have numerous new freckles to account for my presence there. It was weird explaining the big school atmosphere to people when I was in New England (as the majority of my coworkers attend smaller private universities), but talking about the football culture in the South is another story. I love it.
And lastly I've come across Fox Faith. Was watching tv and a commercial pops up displaying very Christiany movies-- The Passion, End of the Spear-- and it's an ad for a new branch of Fox called "Fox Faith." At the ending of the commerical I was furious, because how dare Fox promote a branch based off of religious faith when it's only representing Christian faith.
But of course I realized I'm to blame for my anger. Me and me alone. How silly of me to assume that a network like Fox would show anything else besides Christian films? That's my fault, not theirs.
I was puzzled as to why greats such as South Pacific and Hello Dolly! were listed on the site, until I realized they fell under the "Family" portion of this new "Fox Faith: Family and Christian Films Everyone Can Enjoy!" Also of note: most of the Garfiled and Stawberry Shortcake franchise can be found under the "Kids" tab.
Now that I'm thinking clearer I'm not knocking Fox for doing this. I think it's a smart move of their part which many families will appreciate. I just despise the fact that they are promoting it as "FoxFaith" when the only faith represented is Christian.
But like I said before, it's my own fault for thinking they would do anything but.
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