What To Do, What to Say
My respect for the residential advisors and directors has grown so much since I came to work here. Seriously, the things some of these students are going through is intense and I'm so glad that they feel comfortable talking about it with us. I've listened to so many rants and vents and questions and thoughts that I have trouble reminding myself that these students are only high schoolers.
Anyway, this past week has been...eventful. Spent Friday through Sunday in D.C. touring the city and have an all around good time. Hell, the beds were amazing and I ate some kick ass Ethiopian food (which I "stole" from a wedding party on the last night). But as much as I love D.C., I'm beginning to think I'm allergic to it. Every time I've been in the city I constantly sneeze.
Went to Brown University today and was deeply impressed. I loved the campus and I knew that I would have loved it there had I gone, though I can here my father's laughter if I were to tell him the price. These private schools-- geez. I'm so spoiled by having HOPE. Who knew that it would take me being surrounded by private school kids to realize how happy I am at UGA?
Heat wave has struck like woah and I have never been so sweaty in all my life. This is worse than any Georgia summer and Italy combined. Today was 112 heat index. I mean, this is the type of heat you wish you could feel when you are absolutely freezing. It's like a blanket. A big, black fleece blanket wrapped around your body really tightly while standing in direct sunlight.
Ethiopian food? Really? They have food?
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