Monday, July 25, 2005

plica syndrome

from webmd:

Plica syndrome consists of irritation and inflammation of the plica. The plica is a band of remnant synovial tissue (a thin, slippery material that lines all of the joints) that is left over from the earliest stages of fetal development. Generally, as a fetus matures, these tissue pouch remnants come together to form one large cavity—the synovial cavity—within the knee. However, in some people the plica does not fuse completely, leaving four folds or bands of plica within the knee instead of one combined cavity.

Overuse and injury may inflame the plica. If you suffer from plica syndrome, you will experience pain, swelling, a clicking sensation, locking, and weakness in your knee.

so apparently i have this and in return i get a nice little $150 knee brace. asked if i could do crew in the fall and he said yes, as long as i keep taking the medicine, wear the brace when running, etc and i need to stop if i feel any pain or feel it worsening.

mom and dad don't want me to do crew. say i'll screw up my knee and i'll pay for it when i'm older and that i should take a semester off at least. as soon as dad started talking about health insurance i walked out of the room.


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