Thursday, April 14, 2005

everybody's free (to feel good)

so after reading erin's away message today about how good her schedule is for fall i came to the alarming realization that i could have registered yesterday at 8.


so i don't have a single history class on my schedule and it kills me. i need to take at least one (two would be excellent) if i want to keep up with everything. i found the classes and teachers i want, it's just a matter of hunting them down. but are they in their office? do they post their office hours anywhere? are their syllabi online? hell no.

but alas, i'm not too worried. drop/add has done good by me for the past 5 semesters (freshman college, for those who are wondering) and i don't see it fucking me over anytime soon.

finished my SPED project this morning and i'm going to start EFND tonight. this weekend while i'm home i'll read for my paper. thank God she let me change the topic. prohibition was an awful topic. why the hell did i choose that in the first place?

speaking of this weekend, it's time for my to start seriously thinking about italy. the program director has been sending out emails over the past few weeks giving us tips for the trip: converters, eating at the local bars, public restrooms. i'm so excited i want to barf. i'm never going to come back. i'll send out a postcard that says "i love you, but i love italy more" and that will be that.


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