Sunday, March 20, 2005

spring break

this past week has not felt like spring break. granted, i was away from school and with friends, but when i think of spring break i think of sleeping in and doing absolutely nothing.

not the case this year. i've done more rowing and erging in one week than i thought was possible. i had a great time though. hard as hell, but it'll be worth it in the long run. i'm just waiting for my hands to heal a bit. at least they aren't as bad as other peoples. ouch.

i really should have worked more over the break for school. i finished reading 'the white boy shuffle' (which i really enjoyed. i recommend it to all) and i'm nearly done with microhistory. i've got that paper due friday, geog test monday, edu due the following tuesday, and a history test wed. this doesn't count the fact that i have another regatta this weekend at clemson.

i've also come to the realization that i'm broke. and when i say broke i mean $28 in my bank account. i'm going to have to start selling back some of my books for cash-- that's how desperate i am. it's no one's fault but my own. it'll work out though. hopefully.

so yea, if you all want to get me a present for my birthday, make it money. or something for italy. or both.


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