Jumble O' Thoughts
Things on my mind (in no particular order):
Rufus Wainwright
wishing I could play the violin
searching for jobs at 1:00 am
what it would be like to live in D.C.
how much this summer is going to be amazing
my friends and where we will be in six months
graduation and seeing my family's smiles
Athens and how much I'll miss it
being content with life at the moment but knowing I should be more stressed out
Kirsten and Sara moving out of the house
new (undeserving) people moving in to the house
reviewing for my portfolio presentaiton
typing typing typing
wishing Bombay Cafe hadn't closed and wishing even more that I didn't like Taste of India so much today
I found a job in D.C. that I really want. Resume and cover letter sent and fingers crossed. Part of me wants to leave Georgia forever because I know if I don't get out now I'll get too comfortable later in life. But there's so much here that I can't imagine living without. People, places, memories. They will always be there, of course.
I have a feeling I'll be crossing a lot of bridges in the near future. We'll see where they take me.
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