Saturday, March 10, 2007


It's after 4:00am here. Just got back from Dingleberry's. I love Christie, the now ex-co-owner of the bar. She's from California and one of the few people I don't alter my voice (read: accent) for. I can speak to her as myself, without considering my tone, inflection, word choice--- I know she will understand it all. She likes me, which I am thankful for. Finally got to hang out with Karo after a long hiatus, which was nice. She was fighting with Timo, though, so I talked with Yasmin a lot. I love them all.

Last weekend alone in Cologne. Erin visits next weekend and I will take her to Dingleberry's and Jameson's (an Irish pub, for St. Patrick's Day), then Brussels, then Paris, then Italy, then Berlin (?), then home. It's really all down hill from here.

Marc had a suprise for me this weekend but it didn't work out because I had to be at the school today. I was one of the six teachers who got to decide which 15 students (out of 32) got to go on the exchange program to Connecticut. I absolutely love the English teachers and was very happy they inclulded me in their conversations (most of the time). These past two days I really let myself shine-- my humour, my personality, my dispositon--- everything. I feel like even Mrs. W got to know a side of me she had never seen. I think is was the uniqure environment of interviewing the students out of regular school hours. Or something like that.


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