Monday, October 31, 2005

done...but not really

connecticut camp application should arrive in norwood, ma tomorrow morning at 10:30 (i want to kiss the people at fedex), so all i have to do for the next month is pray to every God man has come up with that i get the job.

next in line: more reading. didn't do much of anything today, which i will end up regretting tomorrow. ah well.

happy halloween everyone! candy for all! except those of you who try and trick or treat here, because we definitely don't have any candy. turns out we ate it all. ha. for fear of little children coming around with empty bags begging for treats we turned off the porch lights and acted like we weren't here. horrible, i know. but seriously, whoever decided to put chocolate and peanut butter together is a genius and deserves a nobel peace prize.

after much debate/drama with my parents i went home for a bit this break. i've come to the realization that macon is no longer "home" but "the place where my parents live." i want to say that athens is my home, but that doesn't feel quite right either. i'll worry about it later.

the dreams have started back up again, along with a fresh dose of bi-weekly deja vu. i'm blaming it on stress.

speaking of which, my body likes to handle stress in a certain way. two ways, in fact, but i'm only going to talk about one because the other is slightly inappropriate for such a public forum. when things start to pile up or become overwhelming i get tired. i'm talking about the bone-aching-tired-- the kind where you're functioning but not quite sure how and all you want to do is sleep for days. this happened during cheryl's wedding (the desire to fall asleep in the middle of the ceramony was unbearable) and it's happening now. no matter how much sleep i get i'm still exhausted.

but now that this damn application isn't hovering over my head i think i'll be able to get some actual work done.

ps. i'm obsessed with...
-old school west wing episodes. damn you aaron sorkin for writing amazing plots and character relationships. God i wish i could write like that.
-baking bread
-christmas music


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