Under Pressure
This is not a post about how hard finals are, or how much work I have to do. There are thousands of other students at the unversity who are slaving away at the SLC, cramming information in to their sore brains for finals they have at 8am tomorrow morning.
I, on the other hand, have only one final. Italian at 7pm tomorrow, which I have yet to study for. It's so sad, but I don't even care about it. I'm just focusing on my papers at the moment.
But even those are a challenge. Not because I don't have the information or because the topics are hard-- the papers are a challenge because I am completley unmotivated. I write the best when I am under pressure and the feeling of being pressed for time hasn't hit yet. It'll probably be around noon tomorrow when I'll go "Shit. I gotta get to work."
I'm such an ungrateful student. I've had all this time to do my work but I can't seem to bring myself to just get it done. I'm still focusing on the amazing weekend I had and how it basically changed my life forever.
Good luck kids. You'll do great.
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