Monday, November 21, 2005

today doesn't feel like today

it really doesn't feel like monday, but no day has felt like it was supposed to since thursday. the midnight showing of harry potter and the goblet of fire threw me off.

oh, and i'd like to say the movie was fucking amazing and i'm going to see it numerous times to come. i could write the biggest post on all the pros and cons of the movie, but i won't. my hands would get too tired and i'd wear my keyboard down. just...everyone please go see it. you'll love it.

i'm becoming increasingly emotional every time i see the kodak commericals. those who have seen them know what i'm talking about, or at least you should know what i'm talking about. granted, the one with the old guy being filmed isn't that sentimental, but the one with the kids gets me every time.

in another genius of advertising, has come up with a great campaign. the commerical (currently aired on tv) depicts a man telling his wife that he can't make it home due to the airports being shut down. he regretfully says that there will be other christmases, but after looking at a diamond necklace he bought her he decides that he needs to get to her and races out of the terminal. the commerical ends with a push for viewers to watch what happens next on the website.

and it's awesome. you get to see and hear this man's journey back to his home (minneapolis to chicago). i don't know why i'm so into it, but i seriously want to give these people high five for their creativity.

tonight we're hosting a thanksgiving dinner for some friends (sara's amazing idea). i've made cheesecake and right now caitlin is making stuffing, sara mac 'n cheese, and erin is baking some crescent rolls. i can't wait to see what everyone else has brought. there is nothing better than eating with a big group of your friends.

to end the post, a great quote from voltaire:
"i disapporve of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it."


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