Monday, October 30, 2006

So That Was Pretty Amazing

The Best Fall Break Ever Highlights:

Horseback riding in upstate New York in the freezing cold but not caring because it was so beautiful outside. And by beautiful I mean freezing cold, rainy, muddy, and surrounded in a forest of bright yellow leaves.

Seeing everyone I so desperately missed. Renee, Lindsey, Kristen, Felipe--- everyone that I may or may not see again for a very long time but cherish.

Saturday's party was spent with me laughing way too much. Team Dance was created, Anna told a guy I had agoraphobia, and I realized around 1:00am that life is pretty fucking amazing.

AirTran having XM radio and me being able to listen to BBC World Service the entire flight up and back. Kick ass.

Wegman's grocery store and it's total and complete awesomeness. I will miss that place more than anything else in Rochester. Not even kidding.


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