pictures (and other nonsense)
wedding pictures (finally)!

alexis, the cutest flower girl ever (besides her sister tia)

cheryl and mom

dad and i

off-center picture of the party setting up for pictures

my cousin kevin's oh-so-hilarious speech

whatcha doin? eatin' cake.

the father/daughter dance was to barbra streisand's "best gift." it's a christmas song, but my dad always listened to this song when putting cheryl to sleep. only part of the wedding where i cried.

eric and cheryl. aww.

we're throwing 'wedding rice' and blowing bubbles at them. they are also wearing the mickey-ear hats for newlyweds. ha.
the rest of the wedding pictures can be found here under 'wedding 2005'
so now that i've got those up i can move on to other things, such as upcoming concerts, classes, and life in general.
concerts: there will be many concerts this year if it kills me. of montreal rocked my face off (hooray for lauren, sizzle, brice, clem, and ryan), and i've got tickets to see bloc party at the tabernacle. keane is a definite possibility and i was pretty much convinced today to see sufjan stevens instead of jump on the night of sept 24th.
classes: as of right now i'm taking one too many. three history classes is stretching it for me and my all-knowing (cough) advisor has advised me to only take 12/13 hours this semester, seeing as how i'm trying to get into my major right now. drop/add lasts for a week, so we'll see. i still have a lot to do though. i really need to go back to COE and talk to them about the COST program (student teaching overseas).
life: thoughts, occurances, aspirations, goals...
nneka and rachel visited on monday.
won't be doing crew.
tom and others from tech are visiting tomorrow.
sara's mom's italian boyfriend is building me a bookcase.
i need to buy a chair for my desk.
and another for my "reading corner" i plan to set up with aforementioned bookcase.
i need to go home and bring back all my posters.
i need to print out pictures from italy.
i'm watching the news right now and it makes me never want to have kids.
but then again little things like war, death, fear, rage, and hypocrisy aren't about to stop me in the long run.
i painted my nails red.
i am going to be everything this year that i was afraid to be in the past.
i'm going to be smarter this year, in more ways than one.
i will find five new things to be happy about everyday.
hmm. so far, so good.
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